Non-Finite Forms of the Verb

The Infinitive - инфинитив

The Participle – причастие

Participle I – причастие настоящего времени

Participle II – причастие прошедшего времени

The Gerund – герундий

Verbal Noun - отглагольное существительное

Your Practice:  1. Определите, какой частью речи является –ing – форма в каждом из предложений:

1.   The reading boy is my brother.

2.   I was reading a newspaper when he came.

3.   He made notes reading.

4.   Having read the book I went home.

5.   I have been reading the book for a month.

6.   The second reading of the document is on Monday.

7.   The book being read was interesting.

8.   I saw him reading a newspaper.

9.   I am fond of reading.

10. I am surprised at reading about it in the newspaper.

11. There is no harm in reading of the book.

12. We have no intention of reading it.

13. Before reading he drank some water.

14. He finished reading.

15. His reading was very loud.

16. Your duty is to be reading the book till I return home.

17. While reading he makes notes.

18. I watched him reading.

19. I watched his reading.

2. Выберите английский глагол и составьте все возможные неличные формы с этим глаголом.

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