1500 наиболее часто употребляемых слов
Данный список в основном заимствован авторами в проекте Московского образовательного стандарта по английскому языку для средней общеобразовательной школы, М.: МИПКРО,1980 – с. 41-43. Авторы внесли в него некоторые изменения.
Уровень ~ 500 единиц |
a about above across act add after afraid again against age ago air all almost alone along already also always among and angry animal another answer any anything appear arm army around as ask at autumn away back bad bag ball bank be beautiful because become bed so some somebody something son soon sort sound south speak spoon spring stand start step |
best better between big bill bird black blow blue boat body book born both box boy bread breakfast bring brother business busy but butter buy call can car care carry case catch cause chance child city class close coffee cold colour come company continue cost country course still stone stop story street strong student study such sugar summer sun sweet table take |
cover cross cry cup cut dark day dean dinner die different do doctor dog door down dress drink drive drop during each ear early earth eat egg end enough even evening ever every everybody everything eye face fact fair fall family famous far fast father feel few talk tea teach teacher tell ten than that the them themselves then there these they |
field figure fill find fine fire first floor flower fly follow food foot for forest form found free friend from front full garden girl give go god gold good government grass great green grey grow hair half hand happen happy hard have he head health hear heart thing think third this those thousand through time to today together tomorrow too top town |
heavy help her here herself high him himself his hold home hope horse hot hour house how human hundred husband I idea if important in increase interest into it itself just keep kind know land large last late laugh law lay lead learn least leave lecture lecturer train tree true try turn under university until up upon us use very visit voice |
left less lesson letter life light like line little live long look love low lunch make man many mark marry may me mean meat meet mile milk mine miss moment money month more morning most mother move much must my myself name national near need never new wait walk wall want war warm watch water way we week well what when where |
next night no nobody north not note nothing now number of off office often old on once one only open or order other our ourselves out over own paper part party past pay pen people perhaps person picture place plan plant plate play please point poor possible which while white who whole whom whose why wide wife wind window winter wish with |
power present price pupil put question quite rain reach read ready real reason receive red remain remember rest result return rich ride right river road room round run same say school sea season second see she ship short should show side since sing sister sit small smile within without woman word work world write wrong year yesterday yet you young your yourselves |
Уровень ~750 единиц (500+250) |
able afternoon allow although amount arrive art article baby bay battle bear beat beauty belong beside bit blood board branch break bridge broken build building burn butter captain centre certain chair charge church circle clean clear
clothes cloud coal coat command common complete condition consider contain cook corner count court cup dance date daughter dead deal death deep demand destroy difference discover distance divide double doubt dream duty easy edge either else |
enemy enjoy enter escape exercise expect farm fat favour fear fellow fight finger finish fish flow following force forget forth forward fresh fruit gain game gate general gentle gentleman glad glass grant guess guide hall hat |
heat heaven height hill hobby hole honour however hurry hurt ice ill include indeed instead iron island join job joy judge kill king kiss knee labour lake leg length lesson lid lift lip listen lose manner |
march market master matter meat measure member middle mind minute mistake moon mount mountain mouth music nation natural nature nearly necessary neck neighbour neither news newspaper none nor notice object ocean officer outside page pain pair |
pass path peace pick piece produce pronounce public quarter queen quick race raise rather reply report require ring rise roof rule rush sail salt save seat sell serve service set settle several sight silver shape shoe |
shop shore shoulder shout sick sign simple size skin smoke snow soil sometimes song soul space spend spread square state star station stick stock store storm straight strange stream strength subject success suddenly suffer suit supply |
suppose support sure surprise system tall test text though thus toward trip trouble truth uncle understand usual usually wash weather whether wonder |
Уровень ~1000 единиц (500+250+250) |
abroad accept accident according account action admit advance affair agree aid aim apple asleep attempt attend attention band base basket bear beast bee bell below beyond blind bone bottom bow brave |
bright broad brown cake camp car careful carefully cat central century certainly chain character check chief choose claim clock club compare control cool cotton cow cream crowd daily danger dare decide |
declare degree delight department describe difficult direct direction director disappear dry due dust earn effort especially evil event example experience explain express extend fail fancy feed fence final finally fit foot foreign |
former freedom fun further future gather gift grain grave group guard hang hide history holiday honest hunt hungry industry interesting invite issue journal journey jump key kitchen knowledge lamp language lion |
list load loud lot machine map material meaning mention merry method modern narrow native nest nice noise noon oak obtain offer oil opinion paint parent park passage pen period pity pleasant |
position practice pint probable problem proper proud pure railroad rate realise record refuse regard remove repeat row sad safe sand satisfy scene secret seize sense separate servant shade shake share sheep |
shine shot shut silence silk single sky society sorry special speech spirit spot strike strange struggle sudden suggest tall tear therefore thick thin throw tie till tired tongue touch trade travel |
trust type union useful unless valley value various view village vote waste wave weak wear weight welcome west whatever wheat wheel wild win wing wise wonderful wood worth yellow |
Уровень ~1250 единиц (500+250+250+250) |
actual address advantage advice advise ahead alive ancient angry anger apart appearance appoint approach arrange attack aunt avoid awake bar bare rough ruin safely sailor scale scatter search secure seldom |
beneath bitter blame block border bottle bowl breast breath brush burst bush capital card cash cast castle cheap cheek cheer chicken shadow shame sharp sheet shell shelter shoot silent sink |
climb collect comfort companion connect consist copy correct creature crop curtain dangerous dawn debt deed defend delay depend desert dozen faith slip slow smell smooth sorrow spare speed spoil sport |
familiar fare fashion favourite feature feeling firm fix flag flash flat flesh flour fold fortune fur furnish gay goat grand guest stage stair stamp steal steel stir stretch strip stile |
gun habit handle hardly harm hate heel hit hollow imagine improve influence inside intend judgement justice knife knock lack largely leap succeed sum sure swim sword tale take tax tent |
leather level liberty library lock loose lovely maid main manage mass match melt memory midnight mighty mix murder nail natural term thinking thread tip tonight training treat twice vessel |
naturally nurse nut obey observe occasion occupy occur orange own pack palace pale passenger perfect pile pipe plenty pole potato wake wander wealth weigh wet whistle whisper wine wolf |
pour presently praise prefer presence pride principal private progress protect push quantity quiet range rank recover region represent respect roar root wool worth worthy wound yield
Уровень ~ 1500 единиц (500+250+250+250+250) |
ability admire adopt accustom acquire adventure affect afford alarm announce appeal apply assure avenue average awful bake balance beach benefit bent birth boil bore bored borrow brain breathe brief bury |
claim charm choice citizen civil cloth coast coin colony combine commerce concern conclude conduct congress content corn couple courage create crime curious current custom deck defeat deny depart desk determine |
develop diamond dine discovery disease distant district drag ease editor education empire employ engage entrance establish examine exchange exit expense factory faint false fame fate fault flame fleet flight float |
flood forever frequently friendship furniture gas giant glance glow greet growth handsome harbour hero hire honey household huge immediate indicate inform insist instant introduce justify key latter league lean limit |
locate log lover mad magazine major majority marriage message metal mill model motion murmur net noble nod numerous operation opposite ordinary pace pan particular patient pattern pause perform permit pie |
pine pink plane poet police policy porch port portion possess powder precious preserve prison prize process product profit property propose publish purchase quality quarrel rail ray rear recent recognise reduce |
regular relation relief render request reveal rope sacrifice salary sale scarcely science score section seed select series serious settlement shock similar skirt slight smart smooth somewhat source splendid standard stare |
statement steady string stroke temple tend tender throat ticket tiny title tower trace track treasure treaty tremble trial tribe troop uniform vain variety vary vast vegetable wagon wire wool worry |
accompany accomplish |
agriculture accusation
circumstance independent |
manufacture opportunity |